Friday 30 September 2016

Research on devices for visually (partial or total blindness)

First of all for total blindness a braille keyboard could be used, this unlike a standard keyboard has bumps on the keys written in braille for each letter, this way someone  blind could feel the keyboard and feel which keys are which enabling them to write. This was created by Louis Braille in 1824.

 Software for someone completely blind could include siri or cortana, siri is made my apple and cortana Microsoft and they enable a hands free and vision free way of navigating a phone. For example if you say search CSGO memes it will search for it and then display it auditory for you to see.

For someone partially blind a magnifier on screen can be used, this is software to enhance certain areas on the screen for help in things such as reading small writing. This enables someone to see it enlarged.

Hardware for this would include augmented reality glasses, these can help the partially blind to see by creating a false replica of the reality around them. This enables them to see where they are going and what is happening and a big creator of this is google.

Research on devices for motor impaired

One device used for motor impairment would be a puff and suck switch. For people who do not have the ability to move and control things or even talk it enables them to via their breath. For example Steven Hawking who blows into a switch to select a letter or sucks to move to the next letter a long. This then is displayed through speakers to help him talk.

A piece of software that can help in motor impairment works through moving your eyes. There is a monitor that can read eye movements and when your eyes hover over a letter or word it tracks that movement and then selects that letter or word. These are called augmentative and alternate communication screens.

Research for those auditory impaired

An example of a device used for those with auditory impairment is ALDs, these amplify sounds so that people who are partially deaf can hear things as they are made much louder. This enables them to hear speech.

Another example would be alert devices, such as devices that flash or vibrate when a doorbell goes off or an alarm, when it vibrates of flashes it means they can still be alerted via the device and know someone is at the door or that they have to be up at a certain time.

Monday 26 September 2016

1) The first device suitable for a graphics design company would be a touch screen computer, this is because it enables them to draw and complete projects on the device by hand which they would not be able to to do without the touch screen feature (or atleast as easily)

2) Secondly would be a laptop, this is because it is mobile and easy to use with enough memory to store things such as databases of cars or emails, it is much faster for processing data and can have necessary software within it.

3) A processor is used to process tasks and complete things set to it, for example a calculator is a processor as it processes the sums you place into it.

4) Fans and cooling is needed because motorised parts within the computer generate heat such as the processor or graphics card, fans blow cold air in and hot air out maintaining a lower temperature and water can also be circulated to draw heat out.

5) Ram is random access memory and is volatile, tasks that are done on the computer are temporarily stored in the RAM and then get erased when the computer is turned off. it keeps the data being processed within it.

Monday 19 September 2016

Data codes in printing:

An example of data coding would be through print cartridges. Print cartridges are labelled by an abbreviation of their colour for example pink is PK and black is BK. This is a standard used within printing and is seen in an example of a picture below. This is useful for the business because it means that data can get entered and searched for much quicker than if it was the full word. An example scenario being someone going into a store and asking for pink ink, and the employee types in PK into the search and then can see if there are any in stock. It also helps in validation, in data validation if someone is trying to validate data for example checking each black cartridge before they are sold to make sure they are black, by typing in just BK if it is black or PK if its pink and the wrong colour it shortens the time it would have taken and make its much more efficient than if they were to enter the full word. 

One example of data validation would be through logging into a website, it validates the password against the one on the account to make sure that you own it. If entered correctly you log in. Another method would be through setting up the account, when creating a password they have length checkers to ensure that the password is a minimum length to ensure it is safe. You can also get presence check which checks that information has been entered into a field for example your email when signing up to something. Next would be double entry which is when you have to enter the data twice such as a repeat email. If they are not the same then you know you have made a mistake and this ensure that you enter the right email. Finally would be proof reading which is when someone manually checks the data and proof reads it to see if anything is wrong such as a misspelling or two different emails.